EMTT – Extracorporeal Magnetotransduction Therapy in Cincinnati

Discover the revolutionary EMTT Therapy with Peak Performance Sports Therapy!

EMTT Therapy
EMTT Expedites Healing Post-Spinal Surgery

Our cutting-edge Curamedix MAGNETOLITH® technology is designed to treat chronic musculoskeletal aches, pains, and injuries effectively. Experience unparalleled innovation in pain management and holistic well-being as you embark on recovery and peak performance!

Extracorporeal Magnetotransduction Treatment (EMTT) is a non-invasive, evidence-based approach that is one component of Peak Performance Sports Therapy’s Triad of Regenerative Therapy, Plus The Light which includes Radial Shockwave, Focused Shockwave EMTT, and The Light, The MLS M6 Robotic Laser. Trust us to provide you with exceptional care and transformative results.

EMTT: Facilitating Deep Healing in Bones and Joints

EMTT® (Extracorporeal Magnetotransduction Therapy) is a cutting-edge healing device that is revolutionizing treatment options for a wide range of musculoskeletal conditions. EMTT® effectively targets ankle sprains, muscle and tendon strains, as well as common conditions like herniated and bulging discs, Degenerative Disc Disease (DDD), Degenerative Joint Disease (DJD), Osteoarthritis, Plantar Fasciitis, Achilles Tendinitis, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Herniated Discs, Bulging Discs, tendinitis, and tendinopathy. Experience relief and accelerate healing with the powerful non-invasive technology of EMTT®. Discover how this advanced therapy can help you today.

What is EMTT?

Introducing EMTT: A Revolutionary Therapy for Joint Disorders, Pain, and Sports Injuries

EMTT, or Extracorporeal Magnetotransduction Therapy, is a cutting-edge procedure backed by compelling evidence. Designed to address degenerative joint disorders, acute and chronic pain, and sports-related injuries, this non-invasive technique offers a promising solution for various aches and injuries.

Developed by Storz Medical and distributed by Curamedix, EMTT is an FDA-approved medical device that has been undergoing extensive research and testing in Europe for over six years. Now available in the United States since June 2021, EMTT holds tremendous promise in medical advancements.

How does EMTT work? Using high-energy magnetic pulses, it penetrates up to 6 inches on either side of the treatment handle, reaching deep into the body. It can even treat through bony structures, accessing hard-to-reach joints like the hips, knees, and shoulders. In addition to reducing pain and inflammation associated with herniated and bulging discs, EMTT has been proven effective for various musculoskeletal conditions.

Experience the future of therapy with EMTT. Say goodbye to joint pain and hello to optimal outcomes. Contact us today to learn more about this innovative procedure & how it can improve your quality of life.

What kinds of pain or disorders can be treated with EMTT?

EMTT to successfully treat musculoskeletal issues to include:

  • Degenerative joint disorders
    Wear and tear conditions such as osteoarthritis and pain of the knees, hips, hands, shoulders, elbows), herniated discs, spondylarthrosis
  • Pain treatment
    Acute and chronic pain, including back pain, lumbago, tension, radiculopathy, Frozen Shoulder, Neuromas, Turf Toe, Meniscus Pain, and Knee Pain. Post-surgical pain and inflammation reduction. Non-union fractures. 
  • Sports injuries
    Acute injuries leading to inflammation and the associated pain of tendons and joints, tendinitis, tendinopathy, inflammation of the pubic bone, Osteopubitis, Severes, Tennis Elbow, Golfer’s Elbow, TFCC, Muscle and Tendon Strains, Piriformis Syndrome, Medial Tibial Shin Splints, Tarsal Tunnel Syndrome, Plantar Fasciitis and many more. 

What results can I expect after treatment with EMTT?

EMTT devices offer exceptional pain relief and improve patients’ well-being. Many patients experience significant improvements and pain alleviation after just a few sessions. You can expect unparalleled quality with our expertly crafted EMTT devices, backed by medical expertise and cutting-edge engineering. Extensive clinical studies and rigorous testing have unequivocally validated the safety and effectiveness of EMTT, making it an ideal solution for pain management. Say goodbye to risks, complications, and downtime with EMTT’s practical approach to pain relief. Discover the power of EMTT for effective pain management today.

What are the possible side effects or complications of EMTT?

The non-invasive EMTT treatment is risk-free when performed by a qualified Peak Performance Sports Therapy therapist. Your therapist can advise whether this treatment is proper for you. You may feel a slight magnetic pulse if held directlyover your shoulder or sacrum; however, we can adjust the depth level so that even though you don’t feel the magnetic pulse, the healing benefit can be profound. 

EMTT treatment is contraindicated for clients with the following conditions:

  • Pacemakers and other sensitive electronic implants
  • Implants, if not safe for MRI. Most recent joint replacements or hardware for spinal surgery are currently made of titanium, which is MRI-compliant. If you have any questions, you can receive an MRI on that area of your body. If yes, then the EMTT might benefit your therapy plan. 
  • Pregnancy
  • Note: Keep cell phones, smartwatches, and credit cards about 6 feet away from the EMTT treatment area, just to make sure that they are not negatively impacted and information wiped clean.

How is EMTT performed?

The EMTT handpiece is placed over the treatment area while you stay entirely clothed, eliminating the need for direct skin contact. We will position the device over the key area to be treated and you will hear a faint ticking sound. You may experience a subtle pulse sensation or nothing at all. Rest assured, the treatment is performed with care and precision.

Treatment sessions typically last 5 to 10 minutes, delivering approximately 4,000 pulses specific to the area and injury being treated. For expedited healing results, it is recommended to ideally receive one or two EMTT sessions per week. The exciting news is that EMTT can be administered daily, accelerating your recovery pand helping you feel better quickly!

The Benefits of EMTT are Impressive!

  • Evidence-based
  • Non-invasive
  • Outpatient procedure
  • Contactless
  • No need to remove clothing
  • No side effects
  • High level of patient comfort

At Peak Performance Sports Therapy, we have One  Goal. One Focus. You. We will help you break your cycle of pain or help you return to the activities and to the joy of movement and of life. 

The best time to start this therapy may have been either months or years ago. The second best time to start is Now. We can help, and please don’t delay.

Schedule an Appointment for EMTT in Cincinnati

If you are looking for treatment options for your Chronic Muscle Pain or Degenerative Joint Disease, please schedule an appointment with us through our online booking system. Our goal is to see clients for an initial visit as soon as possible, so we can get started on your treatment plan right away.

For New Clients:

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For Existing Clients:

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